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Fellowship Program of the 21st Century Power Partnership (21CPP)

The 21st Century Power Partnership, in collaboration with partner countries and other Clean Energy Ministerial initiatives, seeks to advance integrated policy, regulatory, financial, and technical solutions for the large-scale deployment of renewable energy in combination with deep energy efficiency and smart grid solutions.

In support of this mission, 21CPP focuses on four key activities:

  • Supporting country-level policy and regulatory implementation
  • Developing and share knowledge
  • Strengthening and disseminating tools
  • Bolstering expert capacity.

These activities are delivered through several means, including a 21CPP Fellowship Program that facilitates, and in some cases provides financial support for, key individuals from 21CPP member organizations (the "Home Organization") interested in short term assignments with Host Organizations. Assignments are intended either to develop specific capabilities in a Fellow through placement in a Host Organization with scientific or practical expertise in the needed area; or to have a Fellow with specific expertise assigned to a Host Organization where the Fellow provides targeted training and knowledge sharing.

The Fellowship Program represents an investment in developing 21st century power sector knowledge and capabilities and, as such, is a key part of the strategy to achieve the transformational goals of 21CPP. Fellows form a cadre of leaders who are armed to promote strategic decision-making and implement operational best practices that support 21st century power systems.


For the Host Organization

  • Enables access to new expertise that may not otherwise be affordable or available
  • Brings in an external perspective to the organization
  • Provides information about the culture, methods and knowledge of other teams
  • Provides mentoring opportunities for staff.

For the Home Organization

  • Develops valuable experience for an individual which is not available from the home organization
  • Provides opportunities for the staff member to become more knowledgeable and to transmit new knowledge to others in the organization
  • Expands staff and organizational capabilities
  • Provides information about the culture, methods and knowledge of other teams.

For the Fellow

  • Enhances personal and professional development
  • Provides the opportunity for different responsibilities
  • Offers experience of managing/operating outside a familiar environment
  • Provides an opportunity to develop a wider perspective and become more adaptable
  • Provides an opportunity to develop and participate in new networks.

Fellows are assigned to spend 1 to 6 months with a Host Organization depending on the terms of each Fellowship opportunity. Host Organizations may include:

  • Scientific, research, and academic institutions, with emphasis on clean and sustainable energy
  • Governmentregulatory agencies
  • Government ministries
  • Public sector and investor-owned utility companies
  • National and regional transmission companies
  • Grid system operators
  • Energy associations
  • International multilateral financial agencies.

The program provides opportunities for Fellows to gain, or deliver, experience in best practices in power system planning, operations, power markets, and the application of tools and methods for analysis and decision-making. The program enables Fellows to observe, train, and work on real world projects with Host Organizations.

Below is a matrix of examples that are intended to give Fellowship candidates more information about activities that Fellows might conduct in 21CPP Fellowship assignments. The entire range of activities that Fellows could undertake is broader than the examples shown in the matrix below. Work assignments are based on needs of the Fellow, the Host Organization, and the Home Organization.

How to Submit or Respond to a Request for Proposal

Application and selection process may vary with each solicitation, depending on the terms of the request for proposal (RFP).

View open RFPs or submit your own.

General Eligibility and Requirements for Fellows

  • Candidates must be affiliated with a 21CPP member organization.
  • Candidates must have strong technical or policy expertise in power systems, power systems operations, clean energy, power markets, and/or energy regulatory frameworks.
  • Candidates must submit an RFP (Fellow Seeking Host) or a response to an open RFP (Response to Host Seeking Fellow) posted by a Host Organization. Open RFPs are listed here.
    The RFP or proposal response will include a written statement that clearly describes specific actions or tasks that the Fellow will undertake, with a measurable outcome to be accomplished by a specific date. Deliverables must include regular reporting to the Host and Home Organizations and 21CPP, and plans to present a detailed report within 30 days of the conclusion of the Fellowship describing challenges, achievements, and lessons learned during the Fellowship, suitable for submission to the Host and Home Organizations and to 21CPP.
  • In addition to the RFP or proposal, Candidates must submit:
    • A current CV
    • A nomination letter from their Home Organization in support of the Candidate for the full term of the Fellowship, indicating how the organization expects to capitalize on the development of the Fellow, or on the expansion of capabilities to be gained from the Fellow.
  • Candidates must be available to relocate, in most circumstances, for the agreed-upon term of the Fellowship. It is expected that the Fellow's Home Organization will pay the Fellow's regular salary, and the Host Organization will provide for on-site needs for the Fellow. Other expenses, such as transportation and housing, will be the subject of negotiation between the Fellow and the Host and Home Organizations.
  • Candidates must be willing to sign and abide by the terms of any non-disclosure agreements required by the Host and Home Organizations.
  • Candidates will be responsible for obtaining and maintaining any necessary work permits or visas.
  • All applications will be reviewed by a committee, which will then interview finalists.

General Eligibility and Requirements for Host Organizations

  • Candidates must be members of 21CPP.
  • Candidates must submit an RFP (Host Seeking Fellow) or a response to an open RFP (Response to Fellow Seeking Host) posted by a candidate Fellow. Open RFPs are listed here.
    The RFP or proposal response will include a written statement that clearly describes specific actions or tasks that the Fellow will undertake, with a measurable outcome to be accomplished by a specific date. Deliverables must include regular reporting to the Host and Home Organizations and 21CPP, and plans to present a detailed report within 30 days of the conclusion of the Fellowship describing challenges, achievements, and lessons learned during the Fellowship, suitable for submission to the Host and Home Organizations and to 21CPP.
  • Candidates must be able to physically host the Fellow for the agreed-upon term of the Fellowship. It is expected that the Fellow's Home Organization will provide Fellow's regular salary and medical insurance, and the Host Organization will provide for on-site needs for the Fellow. Other expenses, such as transportation and housing, will be the subject of negotiation between the Host and Home Organizations.
  • Candidates must be willing to sign and abide by the terms of any non-disclosure agreements required by the Host and Home Organizations.

Contact 21CPP

View Fellowship opportunities

1. Adapted from Secondment Guidelines, Macquarie University